Thursday, January 17, 2008

Matthew 13:1-32

13:11 "Jesus answered them, 'To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted.' "

*Note to Ryan or anyone else reading this: Please let me know if I'm off base on this one.

How exciting! Imagine you're one of these poor fisherman who has come along for this wild ride known as Jesus' earthly ministry. The incarnate Son of God is speaking to His creation, takes you aside (that's amazing enough!) and tells you that it has been granted to you, Joe Schmoe, to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven!!! That would be kind of cool if my Pastor Frank came up to me and said that, but when Jesus tells you that, it's earth-shattering! Now, I know I've read this verse before, but I'll tell you, it has never smacked me in the face like it did this time. The Son of God! The mysteries of heaven! Delivered to me!

The reason for my opening note for feedback is because it could be the case that the passage I'm so excited over was originally spoken to different men and could have been just intended for them. But (for right now) I'm convinced that we all today can take part in that amazing statement, because we get to read what Jesus told them in verses 18-23! Other references also help me to think that this verse relates to me such as Rom 11:25, 1 Cor 15:51, and especially Eph 1:9 and Col 1:26.

So why aren't I always this excited about the Word? I will say reading and journaling has gotten me more excited. While in the middle of writing this, I had to go share this with my wife! I just can't get over the image of God parting the clouds and saying "Hey! Dave! It has been granted to you to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven!" Praise God for His generosity and grace!

Lord, You are awesome! Thank You for giving us Your Word! Thank You for seeing fit to show us the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven! Help me to sustain this excitement and to love Your Word as the only true nourishment in my life.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

So encouraged by your joy and, yes, the mystery has been revealed to us through the NT scriptures. What a blessing to have the rich truths of the kingdom of God set out for us so clearly by Jesus and the Apostles. Now our responsibility is to share those truths with others, asking God the Holy Spirit to open their eyes to see that they too can be part of His kingdom!