Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mark 13:14-37

13:37 "What I say to you I say to all, 'Be on the alert!' "

Jesus describes the life as servants in the house of the travelling master, uncertain of the time of his return.

This brought back memories of growing up. Being at home, doing something I shouldn't, being constantly anxious that Mom or Dad might open the door at any second. Whether it was stuffing my face with the Pringles I was supposed to leave alone, or watching "Jerry Springer", which I knew wouldn't make my parents happy, the sin was not enjoyed as it was joined with immense stress.

I love my parents, and it seems sad that I would put myself in a position to not want their return. They have always loved and supported me, and life is good when they're around. Yet, I sometimes found myself hoping they wouldn't come home just yet. I wonder now, what if I instead folded the laundry in the dryer? What if I cleaned my room? What if I took all the trash out in the house? I would have been anxiously wishing them to get home earlier! I would be eager to show the good things I had done and be able to enjoy their presence even more!

It is not unlike the situation we have with our Lord. When we sin (and I know you can relate), we operate in stress, hoping no one will find out. Stupidly, we think God won't find out. If we were to honestly stop in the middle of that sin and ask ourselves "do you want Jesus to return right now?" we would say: "maybe in a couple minutes/hours/weeks". If we are in the middle of serving God, however, we would be ecstatic for His return! We would be eager to report our work and enjoy His presence. It seems so obvious, yet we often don't think of it.

Lord, help me to look to Your return by serving You now. Help me to reject sin in fear of harming Your name and being shamed at Your return. Please come soon.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So ... you watched Jerry Springer, huh?! After all these years, your deeds are coming to light! Honestly, you were and continue to be a delight to our lives! Love you, Mom