Sunday, March 2, 2008

Mark 9:30-50

9:37 "Whoever receives one child like this in My name receives Me; and whoever receives Me does not receive Me, but Him who sent Me."

Jesus uses a child who, as a member of society, has the humblest estate of all to make a point. We must humble ourselves by serving even the humblest people to be considered great in the kingdom of God.

I was reflecting on this passage and started thinking about my Sunday School class. I teach the 2 & 3 year old class at my church. It has been an educational and sometimes frustrating experience for me as I many times struggle to bring my thought processes down to a 2 year old level so I don't leave my kids in the dust. The undeniably best part about teaching this class, however, has been bonding with the kids.

At the beginning of the year, there was one boy in particular (we'll call him "Henry") who hated being dropped off for Sunday School. He would protest, cling to his dad, and cry well after his father had left before he would calm down. As time went by, the length of time crying after being dropped off got shorter and shorter. Now Henry seems happy to come to class and has a good time from the start. The coolest thing of all is that they all recognize me and seem to like me on some level (which makes teaching them a lot easier!). I feel like they're all my nieces and nephews which has made teaching them about God so much more exciting and significant.

I feel a responsibility to make some kind of impact on their lives and minds that will help prepare them to accept Christ as their savior later. It's such an exciting prospect! I daydream about getting to heaven and talking to these kids and their Creator and being able to see how my small contribution in their lives became a part of the puzzle resulting in salvation.

So I hope any of you who have kids or interact with kids on a regular basis remember Jesus' attitude towards children. Don't brush them off as insignificant. Don't forget about them while you look for "bigger fish to fry". Take the time to teach a child about God's grace. Sit down with a kid and share how Jesus made the heavens and the earth. You'll find a renewed excitement for the Lord as you observe their wonder, and as you minister to them, you glorify Jesus, and not only Him, but the One who sent Him.

Lord, thank You for the children. Thank You for my two boys as well as the class of children You have assigned me to teach recently. Help me to take my ward seriously, and help me to minister to them faithfully. Most of all Lord, I pray that You work in the hearts of all "my kids" today to prepare them to receive salvation tomorrow.

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