Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Mark 3:22-35

3:24 "If a kingdom is divided against itself, that kingdom cannot stand."

Jesus is showing the fault in the scribe's logic that one must be of Satan to cast out Satan.

Raise your hand if you've ever heard someone use this verse (or a variation of it) before. The most memorable is when George from Seinfeld yelled out "a George divided against itself cannot stand!" My observation today isn't as much about the verse itself, but how people misuse scripture. It bothers me when people deal so flippantly with something so sacred. Most people use this verse as an inspiration to unity. If you read the context, do you honestly think that's what Jesus was driving at? He is claiming His righteousness, and in a sense, His deity. It has nothing to do with unity!

The one that always burns my biscuits is the Clinton's obsession with 1 Corinthians 13:12. Bill and Hillary always use that verse to imply we can't know absolute truth. The conclusion they generally make is that there is no point debating absolute truth since we can't know it. To "see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face" speaks to knowing God dimly, but in glory knowing Him face to face. Read 1 Cor. 13, then read this:

There are so many problems in that "sermon", I don't know where to start.

Anyway, we need to be diligent to be studying our Bibles so that we can accurately handle the word of truth. This is serious stuff, and we shouldn't take it lightly

Lord, thank You for Your Word. Help me to always respect it for what it is, and to love it for the blessings it brings. Help me to crave Your Word and to use it effectively for Your purpose.

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