Monday, February 11, 2008

Matthew 26:20-54

26:30 "After singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives."

Jesus concludes the first Lord's Supper by joining His disciples in a song.

Here we have the answer to the debate! It doesn't say "after singing a chorus..."

Just kidding.

This got me thinking, I wonder what Jesus' singing voice sounded like? This is significant to me since I take my singing seriously when I am involved with the church's music ministry. Well there's no way to know, but it's entirely possible... that Jesus wasn't a good singer! If he was wholly human, his voice had to crack at least once!

The point is that this wasn't some awesome musical performance ("GodChild and the Twelve Man Band!"), it was worship. Christ would have know that you don't need to sing in tune to make a joyful noise unto the Lord. Worship is an attitude, not a song. When you submit to the Lord and glorify His name, you're worshipping Him. So when I'm singing, I could think less about harmonies and rhythm, and more about God.

Lord, help me to worship You in a worthy manner. Help me to focus on You and not myself. Help me to help other praise Your name in the ministries You've given me.

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