Monday, February 25, 2008

Numbers 11,12,13

13:30 "Then Caleb quieted the people before Moses and said, 'We should by all means go up and take possession of it, for we will surely overcome it.' "

Caleb shows confidence in the midst of pessimism surrounding the bad report given by the rest of the spies.

I'm not a violent person. I've never really been in a fight, and if the opportunity to participate in one came up, I would probably excuse myself post haste. That being said, I can identify with the Israelites not wanting to mix it up with the heathen giants occupying the land promised to them. The key here, however, is who promised the land to them.

God promised the land. God is the landlord and the Canaanites are the delinquent tenants that need to be evicted. The people didn't realize that when they doubted their ability to take the land, they were doubting God's ability to make good on His promises. A pretty dumb thing to doubt, indeed. Are there any promises God has made to us that we are doubting?

How about Philippians 1:6:

For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.

God has promised to keep perfecting us until our death or rapture. Have you ever struggled with sin and said "you know, I can't change that in me... it's not that bad anyway... I'll just live with it". Maybe it's impatience, gossip, pride, hostility towards a particular person. Whatever it may be, we need to be like Caleb and not throw up the white flag because we are weak (which is true), but advance with confidence because we know God will keep His promises and is more powerful than anything.

Lord, help me to be like Caleb. Help me to draw my confidence from Your strength. Help me to be bold in the ventures You call me to.

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