Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Genesis 1,2

So today I was bored and said "Hey! I'll start a blog!" I filled out some forms, my blog was born, and I looked at it and said "it's ok."

And long ago, God counselled with Himself and said "Hey! Today I'll make a vast, intricate ecosystem that I'll sustain for thousands of years to come. And I'll make a being in my own image that I'll one day sacrifice myself for." He made it happen, looked at it and said "it's very good."

Boy, do I feel puny.

Lord, help me to remember who's in charge and that I don't own anything here, I'm just renting. Help me to recognize your hand in sustaining and providing everything around me. Help me to fulfill my purpose to glorify you.


God Made Playdough said...

Yay for a new blog! Thanks for the thoughts, this is great that we can do this together. Can I link you to my blog?

Dave Allen said...

Fine by me!