Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Genesis 49,50

49:33 "When Jacob finished charging his sons, he drew his feet into the bed and breathed his last, and was gathered to his people."

The new testament more fully develops the truths of the afterlife, but there was an understanding these concepts in the old testament. The same verbiage was used of Abraham when he died (Gen. 25:8). This doesn't mean simply being buried in a family plot, because the narrative doesn't skip a beat into chapter 50 where Joseph plans the trip to bury Jacob in Canaan.

I immediately thought of Philippians 3:20

"For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ"

The greatest joy in heaven, to be sure, will be the amazing communion with our Savior. Communion with the rest of the universal body of Christ, however, will also be very sweet. When I read this passage, I was thinking about when I die, being "gathered to my people." Who are "my people"? My friends at work? Business contacts? Fantasy football buddies? No, my people are the church. It boggles my mind to think that I have an unbreakable bond with believers as far away as Africa, but it will be so amazing to visit with them in glory; no language barriers, no cultural awkwardness, just me, my Lord, and my people. How awesome will that be!

Lord, help me to never forget who "my people" are. Thank You for Your body, the church. Help me to minister to the church and seek Your help through the church. May Your name be glorified in all these things.

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