Saturday, January 5, 2008

Genesis 12,13,14

12:13 "Say you are my sister so that I will be treated well for your sake and my life will be spared because of you."

It's always a little encouraging to see the human weaknesses in the lives of the great pillars of faith. It helps to remind us that the only perfect person to walk the earth was Jesus. Abram put his own livelihood over the holiness expected of him as a follower of the Most-High God.

How do I view my role towards my wife and what is most important between us. Does she exist to react to my needs and wants, or is she a gift and responsibility from God. How often to I concern myself with her own spiritual growth and care. Am I working to wash her with the word to present her to Christ radiant?

Lord, help me to view Michelle as a gift and blessing in my life, not an object to use at my wish. Help me to be always in tune to her walk with You so as to help her as You will.

1 comment:

Ryan said...

I focused on the same verse today, with similar conviction. I found myself ashamed of Abraham ("say you are my sister, so that it may go well with me.") and then ashamed at how many times I've made decisions like Abraham's (chosing for my betterment even though it may have hurt or used someone else). I think the key issue in this whole scene is faith vs. expediency- fear moved Abraham away from trusting God as his security and towards using Sarah as his shield. I came away praying that God would teach me to daily trust Him so that He can use me to minister to others instead of me using others in the place of faith.