Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Genesis 33,34,35

34:15 "Only on this condition will we consent to you: if you will become like us, in that every male of you be circumcised"

Holy means to be "set apart." God chose Abraham, then Isaac, then Jacob to be "set apart" for His glory's sake. As a symbol of this assigned holiness, God instituted circumcision as an outward reminder of the inward holiness God desired. It is evident by the New Testament how important this practice was to the Jewish people. And here we have the very fathers of the tribes of Israel using God's institution to trick, harm, and slaughter people. Now these weren't innocent lambs that they killed, but as Gen 49:5-7 tells us, it was over the top and uncalled for.

Do I take lightly or misrepresent God's institutions? I was trying to think as to how I might do this. God instituted the church body as his tool on earth to further His name and blessings. I think that sometimes if I'm talking to someone that doesn't attend church regularly (or at all), I might focus too much on just "going to church". I know that the church is more than the building; that it is the blessed coming together of brothers and sisters in Christ all ministering to each other's needs and worshipping God! But it's a lot easier to guilt someone into coming by just saying "you know, you really need to go to church".

If you know a couple that is living together outside of marriage, do you take the time to explain to them the beauty of God's plan of a once-and-for-all union with a purpose to glorify His name? Or do you flippantly joke "you know, you really ought to get married"? If we aren't careful, our flesh can and will pervert the very institutions that God put in place to bless us with and use them against each other. It would do us (and me) well to remember just who invented things like the church body, marriage, baptism, and communion, and what their real purposes are. To glorify God.

Lord, help me to not hurt and deceive others. Especially help me to bring honor to the institutions You have put in place and not use them in way that bring shame to Your name.

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