Tuesday, January 1, 2008

Matthew 1

My thoughts on this passage must be qualified with where I'm at in the Sunday School class I'm teaching (2 and 3 year olds). We just went over the account of Abraham being promised a son, Isaac being born, and Abraham's sacrificial test. I just read Matthew 1 and imagined if I could go back in time and show it to Abraham just after Isaac was born. I imagine he would fall to the floor and weep.

Not only did God keep His promise to give Abraham a son, he kept His promise to make his descendants as numerous as the stars. Most importantly, though, He kept His promise to "bless all the nations" through Abraham's seed. God's Son, Jesus Christ, the Savior, was born out of Abraham's line!! Can you imagine being given that news! How abundantly gracious is our God! I'm happy for Abraham; I'm sure that whenever in time he figured out the details of God's plan, he was probably flabbergasted. And that's my God... wow.

Lord, help me to remember you do not forget your children. The next time I think I'm on my own, remind me that you've been running the show for quite some time and you'll keep running it well after I'm gone. Help me to delight in your mercies.

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