Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Response to Rob's comment on Genesis 22

I was going to respond in the comment section, but it got kind of long...

I found the entry online:


I'm not sure is this is the whole thing, but from what I read, I'm not sure I agree with him. Now, far be it from me to argue with THE Oswald Chambers, but I'll just go to the Word and we'll see what it says.

Gen 22:2 says God told Abraham to "Sacrifice [Isaac] there as a burnt offering". That sounds like God was pretty clear about what He wanted Abraham to do. Furthermore, Abraham is commended for His obedience and faithfulness in verse 16-18.

As far as Chambers' quote of "It is of no value to God to give Him your life for death", I don't know if that is completely biblically valid. I offer the following references for consideration:

John 15:13
Psalm 116:15
John 21:19
Philippians 1:20,21

It seems to me that death itself is perversion of God's creation that was introduced with sin, but in God's wisdom, he can use the death of a person to His own glory. Furthermore, while the continuation of life is to be pursued, it should not overshadow the pursuit of holiness. In other words, if you have to choose between cursing God or dying, the martyr's way is the right way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In reading it yet again (for probably the 10th time today) I think he is trying to keep us from contriving an offering of the nature of Abraham's which definitely would be sinful. We can be prone to some level of self flagellation in a weird works righteousness suffering sort of way. Still the part that gets me is "God purified Abraham from his blunder." I never have seen Abraham's act as a blunder and still don't. In fact, having precious sons of my own I see it as a great act of faith.